
Time Share International has 4 properties that are yours on those dates you select and can’t be changed if requested according to our membership rules and some fees might apply.

Time Share International is not a standard Time Share company. We are a unique luxury Time Share platform. Are resorts are in the following locations:

Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
Tenerife, Gran Canary, Spain
Paris, France
Reykjavik, Iceland

We offer two options

Invest in Time Share Iceland and have access to your own home away from home a life time membership with minimum 10 days a year starting from only $75,000 as a one time payment or Time Share International and have access to our luxury properties in 4 unique location world wide, 10 days starting at only $95,000 for a life time membership. (You can also own up to 30 days per property)

TSI offers only the best luxury properties there is. Our properties are selected with high end luxury in mind. With only 4 properties world wide for our selective members we make your home away from home very exclusive and personal and we help you 24/7 if you need something extra special or just general information.

How about start in Iceland and then visit Gran Canary for a warm white beaches and take a shopping trip in Paris on the way to your home after enjoying yourself in a luxury home in your home away from home and take Spring break in you luxury property in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.

All our properties offer,

Luxury vehicle outside each property for you personal use.
Catering offered if requested.
Air port pick and drop off.
Local assistance on request and so much more.

All inclusive in your membership fee’s.